
Date: 06/09/2013

By: Julie yell

Subject: post about the GOP

There has been an incredible amount of 'training the public how to think' going on by major media, police ect in the past 50 years. One thing I have noticed is that we live in a society that celebrates 'music' such as songs with lyrics like "Let the bodies hit the floor" and shoot em up movies. We celebrate death on the tv screen and in our culture often so when it comes to killing somone a world away... it doesnt bother us because we dont see it. But the second someone blows up a boston marathon.. america goes into a panik. We have disconnected ourselves from Murder so much that we dont even know what it truly is, and certainly dont know how to react to it when it happens in our home (country). I find myself thinking that unless society takes a major change, these school shootings, wars, ect will never end.
I know my response was a little bit off topic of the GOP and Trevon Martain case, but you get the idea and im sure can see the correlation.

Date: 06/11/2013

By: Kathy

Subject: Re: post about the GOP

Yes Julie i do see a disconnect from death and our lives. It seems to me that it is ok for the poor Mother to send her son to war but heaven forbid some rich guy has his son go. I like scary movies I will admit but not the blood bath ones I want it to scare me in a creepy sort of way. The video games that put you as the first person shooter are numbing us to the violence that surrounds us. Drones are another way we do not have to directly involve ourselves in war but I am all for saving American lives. My first choice would be to end war all together and put that money towards better education and college programs for poor kids so that they could better themselves and see a way out of their poor lives. Senseless shootings and murders need to end it is an illness that strikes deep. As Americans we cannot imagine an invading source coming to our shores and standing on our ground and fighting on it. This last happened here in the civil war so it is far out of our collective memories. The only time people get mad about a gun death is when it is someone that they know and love.

Date: 05/29/2013

By: Bill Reynolds

Subject: Sign da book

Kathy, one moment ready to hoist the flag and beat my drum and the next fighting back a tear. Nice and on my daily must read list. I really hope the c is on the way out.

Date: 05/30/2013

By: Kathy

Subject: Re: Sign da book

Thanks Bill!

Date: 05/26/2013

By: Julie Yell


Im thrilled to see you putting your brilliance to words! <3 This seems like a perfect fit for you!

Date: 05/27/2013

By: Kathy

Subject: Re: GLAD TO SEE THIS~!

Thanks Julie I am glad you have come to visit this site.

Date: 05/24/2013

By: F. Hall

Subject: Your Blog

I followed your link on F/B and find that I quite agree with most of the opinions you have expressed. It is good to see someone agrees with much of the way I am seeing things.

Date: 05/25/2013

By: Kathy

Subject: Re: Your Blog

Thanks for the support F. Hall. I hope that if others disagree with me that they post here as well so I may have the chance to turn them to the light. LOL

Date: 05/18/2013

By: Denise

Subject: Jay

I will never understand where the fear comes from for those who are against marriage equality

Date: 05/19/2013

By: Kathy

Subject: Re: Jay

This one is personnel to me. I loved him so much. I wish I could have found someone as sweet as Jay was.

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